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The War in Missouri.


October 1862

From The Missouri Democrat, Monday, October 20, 1862.


Porter’s River Pirates Scattered.

More Guerrillas at Portland.

Boats Detained at Jefferson City and Hermann.

Gen. Schofield Telegraphs from Elkhorn Tavern.



Federals Moving Upon the Rebels.

Admiral Porter Co-operating with Gen. Curtis.

Extension of Gen. Curtis’s Command.

Affairs of Colorado and Western Nebraska.

Intelligence from various sections and of an exceedingly interesting nature was last evening received by telegraph at Headquarters, to the following purport:

The rebels that crossed the Missouri river and seized the Emilie, at Portland, were under Porter, and were afterwards intercepted at the California House, near Waynesville, by Lieut. Col. Sigel, and scattered.  No particulars of the affair are received.

More rebels are said to have gathered at Portland, and measures have been taken to attack or intercept them.

In the meantime, and till the danger is removed, several steamboats are detained at Jefferson City and Hermann.

All the rebel bands remaining in Missouri seem to be endeavoring to make their way out of the State in the shortest time practicable.

Schofield, with his advance, has reached Elk Horn Tavern, in Arkansas, and established his headquarters there.  Telegraphic communication is complete and ready from Major General Curtis’s headquarters to Elk Horn Tavern.  General Schofield last night dispatched intelligence that the enemy seems to be making for Boston Mountains.

Generals Steele and Osterhaus, with their divisions, are at Pilot Knob, advancing against the enemy under McBride, Steen and Parsons.

An advance of two regiments of the rebels was at West Plains, three days ago.  Brigadier General Warren is at Salem, attending to them.

Acting Rear Admiral Porter, being yesterday requested to co-operate with General Curtis in certain matters down the Mississippi, replied from Cairo in twenty minutes that his movement was commenced.

Recent orders from Headquarters at Washington extend the command of Gen. Curtis over Arkansas, Missouri, Alton city, Kansas, Nebraska, and Colorado.  He had, on Saturday, a long conference with His Excellency, Governor Jno. Evans, of Colorado, concerning matters of interest in the gold regions of Western Nebraska from Judge Carter, who is cultivating an extensive farm at Fort Bridger.



Ten Guerrilla Prisoners Shot at Palmyra–The Circumstances of the Case.

Gen. John McNeil, who has so distinguished himself as commander of the military forces in Northeast Missouri, arrived in St. Louis yesterday from Palmyra.  The General reports things very quiet in his district.

On Saturday last he caused ten of the rebel prisoners to be shot, a very extreme and harsh measure, and a very trying duty, yet one which he could not, under any circumstances, avoid.  It appears that when Porter took Palmyra, among the prisoners was an inoffensive old man named Aldsman [Allsman], for whom the guerrillas, for some unexplained reason, entertained a great dislike.  All other prisoners captured by Porter were released but him, it is supposed he was murdered by the outlaws.  Soon after his capture, General McNeil issued an order, which was published in the papers, to the effect, that if Mr. Allsman was not released in ten days or his absence satisfactorily accounted for, he should cause ten of the prisoners in his custody to be shot.  No response having been made, he selected ten who had already forfeited their lives by violation of parole, and caused them, as we have stated, to be shot on Saturday last.

The proceeding caused much feeling in Palmyra, but it was clearly a case in which there was no alternative, and there is no doubt the example will have a restraining and salutary influence upon the guerrillas who still skulk in the woods of that district.