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Death of Dr. Wm. Carr Lane.


January and February 1863

From The Missouri Democrat, Friday, January 9, 1863.


In compliance with the request of his Honor, the Mayor, calling the Common Council together, in order to take incipient steps towards attending the funeral of the Hon. Wm. Carr Lane, and passing such resolutions as would be appropriate, an informal meeting was held in the chamber of the Common Council, Wednesday morning, at 9 o’clock.

His Honor, Mayor Taylor, was called to the chair, and R. A. Watt appointed Secretary.

After a few appropriate remarks by the chairman, touching the eventful incidents of the life of the gentleman whose loss we all mourn, he being one among the oldest and esteemed citizens, J. W. Thornton offered the following preamble and resolutions, which were adopted:

WHEREAS, The members of this meeting have learned with deep regret of the removal by death of their late fellow-citizen, Hon. Wm. Carr Lane, and desire to testify that respect which is due from the city officials of St. Louis to a man who has served the city as its Chief Magistrate with marked ability, integrity and public spirit, having been chosen its first Mayor, and recalled to the same office or five years successively, and subsequently for two years; be it therefore,

Resolved, That in the death of our distinguished fellow townsmen, we deplore the departure of one who, through a long and useful life, was honored with a public confidence of which he proved himself fully worthy, by the zeal, energies and abilities which he brought to the service of the city; of one who deserves to be kept in respectful remembrance by its people for the aid which he gave to its growth and development; and of one who, by the example which he furnished, vigilant, sagacious and upright administration of his affairs, has left a record which may be consulted with advantage by all who desire to attain the name and feel the s[illegible] approval of a good and faithful public servant.

Resolved, Further, that the family of the deceased have in their bereavement our heartfelt sympathies in the heavy loss which has befallen them in the removal of a devoted husband and affectionate father.

It was also moved that the Common Council, at its next regular meeting, be respectfully requested to place the resolutions on the records of its minutes. This was unanimously adopted, and, upon the motion of Mr. Speers, the meeting adjourned to attend the funeral.

DAN’L G. TAYLOR, Chairman.

R. A. WATT, Secretary.