The National Civil War Artillery Association
and the
Sons of Veterans Reserve
of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Present A
June 28, 2025
On the grounds of St. John's Lutheran Church, 2149 Lutheran Church Rd., Beaufort, Missouri 63013
Registration Deadline: June 13, 2025
Check-in on Saturday morning begins at 7:30 a.m.
Instruction begins at 8:00 a.m.
Participant crews take their places at their guns to prepare for the firing demonstration at the close of the school during the 2023 NCWAA Region XII School of the Piece on the grounds of St. John’s Lutheran Church in Beaufort,MO, June 24, 2023.
A School of the Piece, a muzzle-loading artillery safety qualification program for re-enactors and living historians, will be held Saturday, June 28, 2025, on the grounds of St. John's Lutheran Church, 2149 Lutheran Church Road, Beaufort, Missouri 63013. The program is presented by the National Civil War Artillery Association and the Sons of Veterans Reserve of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War. A registration fee of $20 per participant seeking qualification should be prepaid. This fee includes a two-year membership in the NCWAA.
NCWAA staff members will instruct and qualify. Cannoneers successfully completing the course will be issued a qualification card valid for two years.
Crews and guns from all muzzle-loading periods (Civil War and earlier) and serving under all flags are welcome and encouraged to attend. Reenactors who regularly serve artillery are urged to attend, and those who do not regularly serve artillery but who wish to extend their knowledge are also encouraged to participate.
Interested individuals and units should contact Steve Allen, Turner Brigade, at (573) 578-5822, email, for registration materials. Registration forms are also available online here. Registration will close on June 9. Checks for the $20 registration fee should be made payable to "HQ 4th Military District, SVR" and should be submitted with registration forms by the close of registration.
Camping will be permitted on site. Signs will be posted with directions. Water and indoor sanitary facilities will be provided free. The nearest motels are about 20 minutes away in Union for those participants who do not want to camp.
Due to the limitations of the event insurance, we ask that no other firearms be brought to the school other than muzzle-loading artillery.
A Friday evening meal, a Saturday breakfast, and a Saturday lunch will be offered by the ladies of the church for a free will offering.
Click here for a map to the event site.
Click here for an event flyer.
Click here to see photos of the 2023 School of the Piece.